The Polish Palace of Oak Park is a black owned and operated nail salon within Oak Park, IL. We believe in not only providing our clients with optimal nail services but an experience. From the warm greeting you receive when you walk through our doors, to the decor designed to make you feel relaxed, to the offered beverage, and the consultation regarding your service- EVERYTHING is designed to make you feel valued, respected, and relaxed so you can enjoy your ultimate personal care experience.
Give us the opportunity to let our skilled professional team ensure that you look and feel more fabulous than when you arrived.
Please feel free to contact us to book an appointment or to find out more about our services.

We believe in providing not only quality services but a quality experience because when you feel good you can be the best version of yourself. Optimal customer service is an important aspect to your experience at The Polish Palace of Oak Park; so don't be surprised when we greet you by name and ask how your day is going. Come on in and experience the royal treatment you deserve- we look forward to seeing you.
LaShawnda Orr-Glover
& Sanya Gool-Orr

In the Beginning

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